AP C - 3514 Rabbit Silhouette Shaped Cookie Cutter by Gingerhaus APC3514SKU: AP C - 3514$6.00PriceRabbit Silhouette Shaped Cookie CutterPLA Cookie cutter sized to cut out cookies for the Anis-Paraides Rabbit Mold 3514 cookie mold.Springerle cookie mold sold separately.QuantityAdd to Cart
AP C - 3514 Rabbit Silhouette Shaped Cookie Cutter by Gingerhaus APC3514SKU: AP C - 3514$6.00PriceRabbit Silhouette Shaped Cookie CutterPLA Cookie cutter sized to cut out cookies for the Anis-Paraides Rabbit Mold 3514 cookie mold.Springerle cookie mold sold separately.QuantityAdd to Cart